Workshop with Dan Perjovschi

We invite all students to take part in a special workshop with the internationally renowned artist Dan Perjovschi. Starting from the practice of the "Horizontal Newspaper" from Sibiu where Perjovschi makes comments about everyday reality using his emblematic graphic style, the artist proposes a workshop in which students express their "ofs" by drawing. How do we relate to today’s Romania? What would we like to be different? Is art a mechanism of active citizenship?

The graphic answers to these questions will later be transferred by Dan Perjovschi in the form of a permanent intervention in the UPT Creative Campus space.

Registration for the workshop is mandatory. Places are limited.

Dan perjovschi lives in Sibiu and exhibits in New York, Berlin and Tokyo, in Timisoara, Cluj or Slanic (Moldova). Since 2010, he has been working non-stop in Sibiu on an art project in the public space called "Horizontal Newspaper". In 2022 Ziarul had a "twin edition" at the most important contemporary art exhibition in the world - Documenta in Kassel.

Since 1991, he has published weekly cartoons about the Romanian context in Revista 22 (the first independent Romanian weekly founded after the Revolution of December 1989).

UPT Campus Creativ is a project initiated by the Politehnica University of Timișoara, part of the national cultural program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023", financed by the Grow Timișoara 2023 program, run by the Timișoara Project Center, with amounts allocated from the budget of state, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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Campus Creativ

Campus Creativ