Zambara Kabarett is a show about what happened, is happening, and will continue to happen, here and there, around the edges, through places, blocks and neighborhoods, or through various bubbles of Zambara.

It's a show about a changing city and the people in it, faced with change. With a big C. Or affected, confused, assaulted, scared, infected by changes. Small and many. Suffocate, or simply reek. And with a big C, and with a small S. For various reasons. Maybe because everything happened too fast, suddenly? By force, because it couldn't be done otherwise?

Zambara Kabarett is a statement about a city. A real city. One that looks at itself through the mirror, marveling at what it finds itself to be.

Text: Andrei Ursu
Distribuția/Cast: Larisa Belcea, Dana Borteanu, Cristina Chiperi, Ana Indricău, Andra Ioanaș, Jacqueline Kohl, Alina Mihocaș, Jasmina Mitrici.
Muzică și compoziție muzicală/Music: Blazzaj
Regie/Director: Ana Maria Ursu
Coregrafie/Choreography: Viktoriia Medviedieva
Scenografie/Scenography: Lia Pfeiffer
Costume/Costumes: Elena Mazăre
Video design: Cristian Văduva
Light/sound design: Cristian Popescu
Grafică/Graphic design: Dan Ungureanu
Foto/Photo: Diana Bilec

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