
Aug. 29, 2023

From Enescu and Brâncuși to Eurothalia and Sabotage Festival, September TM2023 stands out spectacularly

Press Releases

September of the year 2023, in which Timișoara is the European capital of culture, invites the public to stay connected to visual arts and symphonic music, and TM2023 continues with European theater festivals, heritage conferences, vinyl fairs, the long-awaited Brâncusi exhibition and the Enescu Festival. In a creative and complex blend, September brings you back to the city's cultural reality after an August filled with outdoor festivals, outdoor activities, and positive energy.

The French Institute in Timișoara organizes from September 1-3 to the 12th edition of the Harababura Vintage Fair. This event has already become a tradition, including online photography, a sustainable fashion platform, and a vinyl and book fair. This year, during the Harababura Vintage Fair, there will be oriental concerts performed by the bands Ko Shin Moon from France and K not K from Romania on Saturday, September 2nd. Also, the contemporary dance performance Be the storm, developed by Moveo Company, which traces the dynamics from a carefree life to true self-knowledge, will take place on Friday, September 1st, from 19:30, in the Square St. Gheorghe from Timișoara, and the entrance is free.

An absolute novelty for Timișoara, the George Enescu International Festival comes to Timișoara, with the Ensemble Intercontemporain opening the event with a concert held on September 3rd, starting at 19:00 at the Capitol Hall of the Banatul Philharmonic. On Monday, September 4th, during the festival, the public can enjoy a unique concert with the Fine Arts Quartet, the American string quartet with an impressive history, which collaborated with some of the most excellent musicians of the 20th century, such as Isaac Stern and Yehudi Menuhin, and who will perform pieces from W.A. Mozart to Philip Glass.

In a similar vein, the Echo of Synagogues will take place between September 4-7 in cities in the west of the country, where the Bălănescu Quartet will reach the public, accompanied by the chief cantor of the Mosaic cult, Emanuel Pusztai, through the Pantograf Association which continues to bring to the forefront the stories and emotions surrounding synagogues and sacred spaces. Additionally, on September 6th, starting at 19:00, at the Capitol Hall of the Banatul Philharmonic, the well-known Romanian Chamber Orchestra invites the audience to enjoy a unique experience through a concert full of emotion and mastery, addressed to families, for which tickets can be purchased in advance.

Continuing the cultural and memorial journey, between September 4th and October 6th, Dușmance ale poporului (Enemies of the People), an exhibition of the Memorial of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance, takes place at the hedquarters of the Memorial of the Revolution in Timișoara. Moreover, starting from September 14th until October 14th, the exhibition CREDINȚĂ. ÎNCREDERE. CLANDESTINITATE (FAITH. TRUST. CLANDESTINITY) will take place, bringing together the work of historians, anthropologists, curators, and artists, to confront the visitor with a challenging cultural heritage, (re)constituted from images taken or gathered by the secret police from four countries: Romania, Hungary, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, challenging viewers to reconsider their relationship with the recent past. The exhibition invites a reconsideration of the relationship with the recent past. Moreover, Performing 89. Stări de deziluzie (Performing 89. States of Disillusion) continues at Faber, the series of documentary exhibitions initiated by the Institutul Prezentului in 2019. Conceived as research and presentation platforms, the documentary exhibitions are dedicated to moments of recent cultural history, providing the general public access to a series of materials and works recovered and brought back to the fore.

In a completely different location and of another register, at the MV Sci-Art Center, on September 2nd, there will be a creative writing workshop with Cristi Vicol: Misiune AI: Călătorii imaginare în universul Inteligențelor Artificiale (Mission AI: Imaginary Journeys in the Universe of Artificial Intelligences), a captivating exploration of the science-fiction genre and a journey into the future or intergalactic spaces. What’s more from the scientific realm, but without the fantastical, UPT Creative Campus - 100 years of sharing knowledge can be visited at Cazarma U until September 10th. The exhibition, which premiered in Venice with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute, tells the story of the UPT campus, focusing on the personalities who have studied or taught at UPT over the past 100 years, presented in the form of a comic strip created by Timișoara’s artist Sorina Vazelina.

Furthermore, from the field of visual arts, the exhibition Ingo Glass. Forme şi culori primare în spaţiu (Ingo Glass. Primary Shapes and Colors in Space), hosted by Cazarma U through the Triade Foundation, presents a synthesis of the art of sculptor Ingo Glass, originally from Timișoara. Shortly after the sculptor's death, the exhibition revisits fis favourite concepts, revolutionising spatiality by "unfolding" the two-dimensional.

From the series of international conferences, the Bright Cityscapes Conferences series continues at FABER on September 9th with a conference held in partnership with Het Nieuwe Instituut from Rotterdam, opening a dialogue on contemporary design in the context of the global economy. MV Sci-art porposes from September 12th to 14th the conference titled Sci-art your life!, a space for learning, dialogue, and the epistemological transfer between science and art, with an impact at the societal and community level. Common Heritage - The Tale of Four Cities introduces on September 15th a project that unites four European cities, interrelated with the same common architectural heritage, sharing several decorative elements of the Secession style. These cities are Timișoara, Subotica, Szeged, and Odesa, and the project aims to analyze how this architectural style was influenced by the specific socio-cultural context of each city. The exhibition Common Heritage - The Tale of Four Cities will come to pass between September 14th and 19th at Faber.

Transitioning to a rock rhythm, on September 6th, at 7:00 pm, within the Time to Rock 2023 project, Iulius Town will host a concert featuring the band Om la Lună, a rock band from Bucharest with influences ranging from alternative and indie to post-punk and electro-rock. As part of the same event, on September 10th, there will be a concert by Fanfare Ciocărlia, a living legend of Balkan brass bands, returning to Timișoara through the Timiș County Youth Foundation. Time to Rock will continue with other concerts, and on September 16th, again at 7:00 pm, the band Omul cu Șobolani will perform, and on September 28th, Youth House will host a silent concert featuring the bands Eyedrops and Delta pe Obraz, a concert that can only be heard through headphones, thus providing an intimate and unique musical experience. To conclude Time to Rock, on September 30th, at 7:00 pm, there will be a concert by Trooper simfonic, a band with an impressive 28-year career and 10 studio albums behind them, continuing their musical journey with a new live masterpiece.

In the preview of the Brâncuși exhibition in Timișoara, for five months, every Thursday, in Unirii Square, between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm, visual artist Mihai Donici will create a project comprising 20 ethno-sculpture exhibitions, a project that foreshadows the world of Brâncuși's forms. The exhibitions also aim to prepare the local audience and those in cultural transit for a contextualized reception of the exhibition: Brâncuși: surse românești și perspective universale (Brâncuși Romanian Sources and Universal Perspectives), whose anticipated opening will be on September 30th. Curated by Doina Lemny, the exhibition will highlight various stages of Brâncuși's artistic journey while displaying a selection of photographs and film clips by the artist.

Between September 15th and 17th, at the Ștefania Palace, the Foc și Pară Association proposes Cozzzmonautica, an event aimed at creating and varying a context conducive to rather 'low tech - high concept' explorations and fostering a dialogue between art and science. Similarly, VideoArt Garden will take place between September 14th and 17th at Cazarma U, an event dedicated to video art, in a festival format with four-day outdoor nighttime projections. On September 19th, the world-class ballet, the Béjart Ballet Lausanne company, stops in Timișoara, offering at the "Mihai Eminescu" National Theater in Timișoara, a performance led by Gil Roman and his dancers, preserving the work of Maurice Béjart while also maintaining the liveliness of the creative space.

Towards the end of the month, the TM2023 Hungarian Cultural Days will take place from September 20th to 24th, in Victoriei Square. A large-scale event showcasing Hungarian culture, music, gastronomy, and traditions, the Hungarian Cultural Days Timișoara 2023 celebrates multiculturalism that should not to be missed. The month continues with the first edition of the Timișoara Music Awards, from September 23rd to 24th, at Iulius Town and Casa del Retro, an event to value and promote local talent in a gala setting.

A tradition now for Timișoara, the SABOTAGE Festival continues from September 22nd to 24th with the same flair of elevating the local electronic music scene at the crossroads of music, art, and technology in industrial settings. This year, the festival offers three main themes: the music arena, with electronic music, sound art, and experimentation; the knowledge arena, with workshops, discussions, and conferences; and the technology arena, with multidisciplinary arts, video projections, and interactive installations. In a similar vein, kimaera / Central Unit will take place from September 15th to 30th, showcasing 10 works created by 10 artists over two years, an interactive digital meta-installation where each piece or module functions both individually and as part of a whole, merging old media with digital, the city's public space with IoT, augmented reality, 3D printing, mobile apps, and NFTs.

From the series of theatre festivals, the European Theater Festival EUROTHALIA will occur from September 20th to 30th. Organized by the German State Theater of Timișoara, the 9th edition of the European Theater Festival EUROTHALIA brings together theatre performances, dance, dance-theatre, documentary theatre, puppet theatre, non-verbal shows, and productions with multimedia and animatronics elements from Germany, Spain, Greece, Belgium, Macedonia, Latvia, Denmark, Bulgaria, and Romania. Correspondingly, at the end of the month, The Night-Art Festival will commence on September 29th and continue until October 8th organized by the Daisler Association. Consequently, the most comprehensive edition of the Lights On Festival will transform Timișoara into a nocturnal cultural laboratory, bringing together over 40 global festivals of this kind.

Consequently, the audience is invited to enjoy a fulfilling cultural, artistic, and emotional start to the fall of 2023.

The National Cultural Program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" is funded by the Municipality of Timișoara, the Ministry of Culture, and the Timiș County Council.

Main partners: Banca Transilvania, Catena, Linde Gaz Romania, Cramele Recaș, Iulius Town, Profi

Official broadcaster: TVR

Mobility partner: Automobile Bavaria.


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