Pe parcursul a 4 zile, 10 actori culturali din Timișoara vor parcurge un traseu experiențial care include imersiune în natură, sesiuni pe teme de sustenabilitate profesională și comunitară în cultură și momente de mișcare sau răgaz și contemplare, alături de invitați din țară și străinătate.

Timisoara is an European Capital of Culture in 2023, after a seven-year process of engaging, empowering and involving the cultural community in the area. Members of Timișoara's creative scene have also been working to recover the traces that the pandemic and a neighbouring war have left behind. It's a difficult year for cultural workers in Timisoara. That's why we're offering them the first Common Ground cultural retreat, in the heart of nature, at the WeWilder campus.

The call for participants is open until 24 August.

Hundreds of events and dozens of exhibitions have already taken place in Timisoara this year under the umbrella of the European Cultural Capital. And this cultural frenzy will continue. But beyond the numbers and cultural programmes, the festivities and the celebrations, it is the often invisible people who have made all these events happen. And it's the excitement and exhaustion of all these people.

Timisoara has finally put art and culture at the forefront, where we've long wanted it to be, but that has come at a cost. Common Ground aims to look at the enormous work behind this magic, at how culture can bring wealth, but can also cost those involved in this machine of producing events and projects.

During 4 days, 10 cultural workers from Timisoara will follow an experiential route that includes immersion in nature, sessions on professional and community sustainability in culture and moments of movement or relaxation and contemplation, together with guests from the country and abroad. The aim of the programme is to provide the framework and tools for participants to enter into a collaborative process of regeneration and resource efficiency for years to come.

Results will be announced on 31 August by email and on WeWilder's social media pages. Participation is required throughout the event. A waiting list will be made in case selected people cannot confirm attendance.

The selection of the 10 participants will be made by the curatorial team of the project, composed of Alina Floroi, Ioana Hogman, Oana Mondoc, Rucsandra Pop and Cristiana Tăutu, based on the representativeness of the Timisoara cultural community and the diversity of cultural area, gender and age.

"Common Ground" wants to create a training module for cultural workers, starting from the need for care, regeneration and repair. The project is run by the WeWilder Association, in partnership with WWF Romania, British Council, Plai Cultural Association and Green European Foundation.

More about Common Ground can be found here.

The project is part of the National Cultural Programme "Timisoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded by the Grow Timișoara 2023 programme, run by Centrul de Proiecte Timișoara, with funds allocated by state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

WeWilder is the green economy wing of WWF Romania in Armeniș, an initiative started following the rewilding of the bison. In addition to its role as a starting point for experiences in nature, WeWilder is a place for research and development of ideas related to sustainability, for organizations and companies.


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