Andrei Dinică-Nicolescu is a local artist, a graduate of the Faculty of Arts and Design at the West University of Timișoara, where he also obtained a master's degree in visual arts, specializing in painting.
In 2018, Andrei had the opportunity to expand his artistic knowledge and enrich his experience through an Erasmus+ scholarship at the École Supérieure d'Art de Lorraine - ÉSAL in Metz, France. This experience provided him with the opportunity to interact with international artists and broaden his horizons in terms of contemporary artistic approaches.
His artistic practice is diverse and based on technical experiments. Over time, he has explored and experimented with various media and techniques, transitioning from painting to installations, from digital sculpture to performance, and from engraving to photography.
This adventurous spirit and the desire to explore new technical and conceptual territories define him as an artist.


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