DocuMentor Association is a professional organization that for over 15 years has been producing events related to documentary film, cinema, film screenings and workshops for film, television and journalism professionals from Romania and abroad. In all these years we have carried out more than 35 projects in Timisoara, Arad and Bucharest, from symposiums and workshops with 20 guests to large-scale events with hundreds of participants, most of them invited from abroad (Discovery Campus, Eurodoc, EsoDOC) and festival-type actions in multiple locations and complementary activities (ROD Festival). DocuMentor has brought to Timisoara world-class personalities from the field of television, documentary film and journalism. DocuMentor main partners were: Discovery Campus, Eurodoc, European Documentary Network, IDF Prague, Public Broadcast Service, Balkan Documentary Centre, One World, Rise Project, Documentary Campus, Cantemir Programme, ICR, TVR, Digi 24, Arad City Hall, Timisoara City Hall, Timis County Council and National Centre of Cinematography and EEA and Norway Grants.

Reference events in the portfolio:
2007 Timisoara: DISCOVERY CAMPUS INDUSTRY SESSION, 2008 La Rochelle, France: SUNNY SIDE OF THE DOC Romanian stand, 2009 La Rochelle, France: SUNNY SIDE OF THE DOC delegation, 2010 Timisoara: EURODOC INTERNATIONAL SESSION, 2011 Bucharest: ESODOC INTERNATIONAL SESSION, 2012 Bucharest: DOCUMENTARY CAMPUS INDUSTRY SESSION 2013 Arad: ARADOCS - OPEN DOCUMENTARY SESSION, 2013 Timisoara: OPEN DOCUMENTARY SESSION 2013, 2014 Timisoara, Arad: OPEN DOCUMENTARY SESSION 2015 - 2019 Timisoara: OPEN DOCUMENTARY SESSION , 2020 Timisoara, ART'ELIERELE TOAMNEI, Timis County and Timisoara, ROD FESTIVAL - CINEMATOGRAPHIC HARVEST DAYS, 2021 Timis County, Hunedoara, Timisoara, Novi Sad - ROD FESTIVAL 2nd Edition, 2022 Timis County, Timisoara, Novi Sad - ROD Festival 3rd Edition, UNLOCK and AnimaDOK. North by Southwest and West Romania Film Center 2023.


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