Artist. Parcurs ideal

The project Artist. The ideal course is run by the Colectiv A Association, in partnership with the company Nageurs de Nuit, Montpellier, France, between July and November 2023.

After a period of 13 years, director Roxane Borgna will resume interviewing graduates of the Faculty of Theatre: where they are today, what they are doing, what they dreamed of in the past and what they dream of today. The project will continue and 9 young artists from Timișoara will be added. The goal is to follow the professional and personal path of some young people from Romania and their integration into the labor market.

Their journey is traced through an online video installation and a documentary about their professional and personal development over the last 13 years. In a public event, the online platform and the resulting documentary will be presented and a debate will take place.

Acest proiect face parte din Programul cultural național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023” și este finanțat prin programul Grow Timișoara 2023, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte al Municipiului Timișoara, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii.