Béla Bartók Memorial Day

Béla Bartók is the most renowned composer who was born and raised in our region. His work is known and appreciated worldwide. The years of his childhood spent in Sânnicolaul Mare, in a multicultural community, have left a lasting impact on his career as a composer. However, his work is not as well-known and appreciated in his native region. The aim of the project is to promote Bartók Béla's work through a series of activities and a performance that reflects the artistic diversity of his creations.

The Bartók Béla Memorial Day project will take place from June to October, with the highlight being the organization of a performance at the Banat Philharmonic Hall. The performance will be the result of collaboration between the Timișoara Philharmonic, the Szeged Symphony Ensemble, the Szeged Contemporary Ballet Ensemble, the Muzsikás Ensemble, and a folk dance ensemble from Timișoara. The performance will consist of a collection of folk music from the Banat villages (performed by the Muzsikás Ensemble and accompanied by a folk dance show) and a classical music composition: Concerto for Orchestra (performed by the Szeged Contemporary Ballet Ensemble with artists from the Banat Philharmonic and the Szeged Symphony Ensemble).

Acest proiect face parte din Programul cultural național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023” și este finanțat prin programul Inside Timișoara 2023, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte al Municipiului Timișoara, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii.