Continuum Feminin

Situated at the intersection of feminist activism and contemporary cultural endeavors, Continuum Feminin facilitates dialogue and collaboration among three generations of women—young, adult, and elderly—through thematic meetings and cultural products, highlighting the diversity and complexity of female experiences and promoting solidarity and inclusion.

      Configured as a safe and authentic space for transgenerational communication and collaboration, Continuum Feminin includes the collective creation of cultural products at each thematic meeting: photographs, collages, paintings, installations, or performances, aimed at facilitating expression and reflection on the addressed themes and providing a tangible platform for shared experiences.

      The final exhibition highlights the complexity and diversity of female experiences, presenting the collective works of the three generations to the wider public, in a shared story of solidarity, empathy, and joint action.

Thematic meetings: 

July - Thrice a Woman? - Balancing Education, Career, and Personal Life 

August - You Are Not Alone! - Gender-Based Violence 

August - My Body/My Choice - Sexual and Reproductive Rights 

September - All Different, All Equal - Diversity and Inclusion

September - Break the Bubble! - The Impact of Digitalization and New Technologies

October - The Road to 50 - Women's Political Representation 

October - Continuum Feminin - Exhibition of collective artistic works created during the meetings, “The Living Library of Women,” presentation of the Continuum Feminin photo book.

The project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Legacy Timișoara 2023 program, carried out by the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the Ministry of Culture's budget.