Frames & Shapes 6th Edition

Frames & Shapes 6th Edition is a program developed by the *Noi Re-Creăm Association* and *Unfold Motion*, aimed at promoting contemporary dance in Timișoara by strengthening the emerging scene and diversifying the audience. From a pilot project in 2019, it has evolved into a complex program of training and artistic expression activities by 2023, the year of the European Capital of Culture (with 6 performances, 2 summer schools, 14 workshops, 1 public intervention/presentation, and 1 performative installation). It has been a challenging journey, but always aligned with the need to develop the contemporary dance sector in the western part of the country.

The project's assumed intervention directions include the training of young dancers and choreographers through the already 7 summer schools organized over the 5 years, as well as the development of the contemporary dance audience (from an average of about 100 spectators per performance in 2019, the project culminated in August 2023, when a single performance attracted 500 spectators). Furthermore, Frames & Shapes has put a dedicated place for contemporary dance performances on the map – *Sfântu Gheorghe Square*, a landmark for the interested public as well as for passersby.

In 2024, Frames & Shapes has reached maturity, being a complete project, well-established in the contemporary dance sector, with credibility and real capacity to scale the skills acquired over the years. The program for 2024 includes a summer school dedicated to graduates of previous editions – the *Summer School for Alumni*. This activity will be coordinated by choreographers Vittoria de Ferrari Sapetto from Italy and Lavinia Urcan from Timișoara. The result will be an original performance produced within the school and presented in a public space, in Sfântu Gheorghe Square. The program will be complemented by a guest performance – *Moveo Dance Company* from Malta – a performance that explores elements of identity, cultural diversity, and social behaviors, making dance more inclusive and accessible. The second guest performance will be selected through an Open Call at the national and euroregional level (Hungary, Serbia), inviting independent contemporary dance companies to apply with a performance concept, which will also be presented in a public space. To strengthen the focus on dancer training, choreographer Viktoriia Medvedeva (a refugee from Ukraine) will conduct an intensive 3-day dance workshop dedicated to professional dancers, also selected through an open call.

The project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Legacy Timișoara 2023 program, carried out by the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the Ministry of Culture's budget.