Meet, Point and Shoot la Timișoara

The "Meet, Point and Shoot in Timisoara - documentary film and human rights education with migrants" project aims to create informal educational opportunities for high school students and the general public on documentary film and human rights, aimed at contributing to the social inclusion of participants from migrant communities in Timisoara, together with the participants and the audience from the host community;

Component I: The "Meet, Point & Shoot" workshops for high school students offer teenagers an introduction to the basics of audiovisual language and will take place over 5 days. The workshop for high school students entitled "Meet, Point and Shoot" will take place from September 23-27 at LOGS House, LOGS Association - Social Initiatives Group.  Sixteen high school students (8 migrants and 8 Romanians) from Timișoara will be selected following a call for applications. Registration for the workshop is open until September 8 by filling in a form: Ana Gurdiș and Lucian Mircu are the two trainers who will be giving the workshop.

Component II: Screening of a selection of documentary films in the context of events with debates. One World Romania International Documentary Film and Human Rights Festival returns again this year in Timisoara, between September 19-22, with films from the selection of the 17th edition, under the theme CHOOSE! This year, One World Romania reflects on its role in a world in which crises and tragedies are an endless succession, a world in which balance is more an individual stake or the isolated and fragile goal of a group struggle. In this context, we choose to create a space to talk about what is silent. We choose solidarity over comfort, we choose to listen rather than impose beliefs. Through the films in this edition, we want to look beyond ourselves, to come face to face with the other and, finally, to look at ourselves more lucidly. Most of the screenings are followed by discussions with special guests: filmmakers, representatives of local NGOs, experts on the topics covered in the films. 

Every year One World Romania includes an award given by high school students, following the film and media education program "High School Jury”. This year, the program is being held for the second time in Timișoara, from September 19 to 22, as part of the local edition of the One World Romania International Documentary Film and Human Rights Festival in Timisoara.

Teenagers aged between 14 and 19 studying at a high school in Timisoara can be part of the jury that deliberates and chooses a winning film from the festival program. For 4 days, together with Ionuț Mareș (film critic) and Adina Baya (journalist & copywriter), the selected participants will discuss and learn about human rights, civic participation, media education and documentary film. Registration is open until September 10.

Tickets for the 8 documentaries in the One World Romania selection în Timișoara are on sale. You can find them here:, on the Cinema Victoria website, through the Eventbook platform


The project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Legacy Timișoara 2023 program, carried out by the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the Ministry of Culture's budget.