The project proposed by Luciana Ghegu for the Energy Exchange! is an ephemeral and interactive installation that aims to explore the complex themes of the human relationship with personal space and with others, using elements of play and surprise. Inspired by previous works, especially Cage Structures and Self-made Traps, the installation will be located in a public space in Timișoara and will serve as a place of meeting and exploration for the local community for a certain period of time, presence and absence they being equally important in the project. The Playground of Self-made Traps will be a temporary installation consisting of modular elements made of wood, mesh, rope and other natural materials, providing a safe yet exciting environment for audiences of all ages.
This project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and was funded through Energie! Burse de Creație grant by the City of Timisoara, through the Center for Projects.