
This-Connected brings together Romanian artists with organizations, artists and audiences from Europe in a cross-border connection effort with Hungary, Greece and Germany. More precisely, in two collective residencies that will generate two exhibitions. In Veszprem (Hungary) and Elefsina (in Greece), former European Capitals of Culture in 2023, as well as on a research and networking visit to Berlin. The curatorial concept focuses on bringing together creative and narrative perspectives from Central and Eastern European countries in the context of European membership today, experienced specifically through the European Capitals of Culture program. The project is centered around the visions of local artists, but also proposes the cultivation and promotion of the creations that were part of the program ENERGY! Creative grants in the context of Timișoara 2023 and projects from the Extended Program to which we want to offer continuity and extended impact through the activities we organize abroad with the artists.

Meetings with the different contexts of three European countries offer the opportunity to explore and underline the common or divergent aspects of the historical and cultural course, thus contributing to a wider discussion about culture and the impact of social changes at the European level, experienced individually and expressed through Romanian artists in dialogue with artists and organizations from abroad. Thus, artistic visions that were part of the TM2023 context will be given a new life through the involvement of artists, the continuation of research, the circulation of works and the involvement of the foreign public.

The project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Legacy Timișoara 2023 program, carried out by the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the Ministry of Culture's budget.