
ViceVersa is a long-term project of the Figura Kollective Cultural Association, and the main goal is the integration of the migrant community in Timișoara through music into the cultural fiber of the city, an assimilation through culture. Aware of the difficulties this category encounters in order to adapt to a new society, in the spirit of European values ​​and multicultural Timișoara, we propose a solution from the sphere of the arts.

The first stage consists of a process of selecting migrants with musical passions and talents through jam sessions. Over the course of several months, they will be joined by a series of established artists to record and produce in studio sessions a series of songs that, after the whole process, will be released in the form of an album on vinyl, but also in the online environment. The album will be promoted and released this fall through 2 events: in the European Capital of Culture Timișoara and in the capital of the European Union, Brussels.

The launch events will represent the culmination of months of creative work, of musical production, adapted to the style and specific culture of each participant in the project. The goal is to create a unique cultural product, which will reflect the diversity of Timișoara, but also give a voice to the migrant communities established in the city, offering them a recognition platform where they can affirm their specificity by belonging to an inclusive society that embraces various forms of expression cultural.

Acest proiect face parte din Programul cultural național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023” și este finanțat prin programul Grow Timișoara 2023, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte al Municipiului Timișoara, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii.