Stations / Trails

Encounters is a visual arts programme that brings together local, Romanian and international artists, curators, institutions, artistic communities and audiences in the field of contemporary art. Encounters is the basis for fruitful connections that make Timișoara an important meeting point between the Romanian and international contemporary art scene. The Art Encounters Biennial is the focal point of the trail, creating the conditions for a lively dialogue between artists, curators and the general public, and encouraging diverse forms of international networking, dialogue, learning, research and experimentation. Timișoara becomes a canvas for contemporary art with conventional and unconventional cultural spaces, but also with crumbling buildings, forgotten areas and unexpected public spaces.
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Light over Borders
The role of the Light Across Borders programme is to animate citizens and engage them in the artistic processes of the programme. The programme is designed as a series of cultural and artistic activities through which culture is attached to the city and has tangible effects on life, society and infrastructure development. The station is powered by a group of established Timișoara festivals which aim to activate spaces on the banks of the Bega Canal, public squares and rural areas, and semi-urban areas of Timiș county, opening up to new audiences. The major stake of this group of festivals is to open up – for each of the entities that form it – poles of compatibility at the local, regional, national and European levels.
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Moving Fireplaces
Moving Fireplaces is a platform exploring migration phenomena as a past and present reality in Banat and in Europe. By telling the stories of people on-the-move, Moving Fireplaces challenges xenophobia and intolerant behaviour, which are dangerously escalating in Europe, and sensitises the public to an unavoidable reality. The main programme revolves around the Moving Fireplaces Festival, which takes place in unconventional locations in the cross-border region. It includes storytelling, documentary screenings, story slam events, public readings, performances, workshops, talks and debates.
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Baroque Reloaded
Much of Timișoara's identity feeds on its Baroque heritage, so it becomes important how we understand the spirit of this particular era today, and generally how critically we can look at the values we inherit. The Baroque Reloaded programme therefore aims to question what is relevant today and what is worth questioning, reformulating. The Baroque can be seen as the last transnational experience that culturally connected a large part of Europe with a decisive impact on Timișoara of today. Thus, at the heart of the programme will be events of today's heritage, early music concerts in the Baroque buildings in the historic city centre and contemporary art installations hosted by the National Art Museum in Timișoara, in the Baroque Palace building.
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Light Search
Light Search is a programme of diverse musical exchanges with two different strands, Eufonia and Radiating Orchestras. Eufonia presents Timișoara as a place of many religions and a universal musical language that connects the audience to a spiritual experience of contemplation. Groups of artists representing different religious backgrounds will explore sacred and profane spaces in the city and participate in events that intertwine music with visual art. Radiating Orchestras is a programme of exchanges and master classes for musicians and conductors, as well as joint performances by philharmonic orchestras at various venues in Timișoara and elsewhere.
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European Echoes
European Echoes became the core cooperation and international exchange platform of our cultural programme. It was designed based on consultations with the ECoC family as well as the mapping of tens of collaboration proposals received from international cultural operators and institutions during last years, concerning both the export and the import of cultural projects, exhibitions or shows. With a significant allocated budget, the European Echoes programme will function as an open call destined to international and local artists and operators, covering products and projects related to our values and core themes, that will take place in Timișoara, other Romanian location or international cultural destinations.
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