Workshop on artistic interventions in public space with Andy Sinboy

Urban art is certainly not to be missed in Timisoara this year, but the HEI - House of European Institutes team invites the city's teenagers to create installations in public space themselves!

Guided by artist Andy 'Sinboy' Luke, we venture from the Bastion into the city for a workshop of artistic interventions and discussions about street art and its role in urban dynamics.

Andy 'Sinboy' Luke is a British/Spanish artist living and working in Bucharest since 2002. Self-taught, he grew up in the 90s in the underground scene in Madrid, making graffiti and comics. He later channelled this into a career as a graphic designer, making illustrations, animations and street art. He has worked for international brands such as Google and Converse, but makes sure to stay true to his underground roots, collaborating with small labels and DIY initiatives.

For this workshop, Andy will focus on integrating nature and sustainability discourse into the city through small, non-invasive street/nature interventions that highlight real issues in a fun yet informative way.

The workshop will include a presentation of Andy's work, then a discussion about street art and a non-invasive collaborative intervention in a green space around the Bastion.

Together with Andy, we welcome young people from Timisoara to sign up for the Workshop on Artistic Interventions in Public Space, which will take place on 2 July.  

The event is especially aimed at young people and teenagers who want to actively participate in the life of their city, and why not, to manifest change through art.

You can register by filling in this form until July 1.

Programme of the Public Space Intervention Workshop with Andy Sinboy.

2nd July:

  • 15:00: Meet Andy at Theresia Bastion, where the artist will present his work and we will have a discussion about street art made in nature
  • 5pm: Participants will create a collaborative intervention with the artist in a public space near the Bastion.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

The project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is financed through the European Echoes program, run by the Projects' Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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HEI - House of European Institutes 2023

HEI - House of European Institutes 2023