Poetry Jazz Suite - a Banat lyric in 8 sound pictures

Poetry Jazz Suite - a lyric of Banat in 8 sound pictures is a performance created especially for REVerse POEtry, a touring show of spoken word and improvised jazz music that offers a sound panorama of the work of Banat's most important late poets. A variety of selections structured in a single lyrical body will form a great poem-organism, unfolding in a succession of thematic tableaux designed to reveal the richness of an almost forgotten cultural heritage, highlighting its multiculturalism and particular conceptual diversity (the lyricism of various ethnicities, regional movements and currents such as Aktionsgruppe Banat or Monodersilism).

 The performance will be curated by the tandem "unu unu unu invers unu" (composed of Lumi Mihai - artist and performer - and Mugur Grosu - poet and performer), who will anthologize the literary work and will create, from selections reassembled intertextually, the final body of texts (the so-called poem-organism) that will be the basis of the recitatives they will perform live, in performances together with jazz musicians. The tandem, which is defined by dialogue and interdisciplinarity, has carried out a number of syncretic projects, bringing together poetry, art and music, many of which are dedicated to recovering the lyricism of lost poets.

Description of the activity 

Poetry Jazz Suite - a lyric of Banat in 8 sound pictures is a touring spoken word and improvised music show that travels through one of the most beautiful places of historical Banat, the Oravita-Anina Railway, the oldest mountain railway on the current territory of Romania.

The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Inside Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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REVerse Poetry

REVerse Poetry