IN-TER-CON-NEC-TIONS is an interactive project based on a research related to the concept of "ecology of the self". An idea that brings into focus the impact that humans have on themselves and the environment. Using the hexagon as an interactive geometric element, a shape that is frequently found in nature - along with colors and sounds specific to the environment, but also relevant quotes from globally recognized personalities (from philosophy, psychology or universal literature) – the artist presents, in a contemporary and educational way, an aesthetic solution to reflect about ourselves and the multifaceted reality in which we live.

"Human experience and interaction are the most important aspects of my artistic creation. I use numbers, sounds, colors and abstract shapes to create interactive audiovisual experiences that give people the opportunity to explore art in a different way through technology." - 13m10j.


  • Artist Pop-Up - 10 August / 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Artist Talk - 17 August / 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
  • Artist Pop-Up - 31 August / 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

This artistic creation was made possible through Energy! Creative grants, awarded by the Municipality of Timișoara, through the Project Center. The creation does not necessarily represent the position of the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, and it is not responsible for its content or the way it can be used.

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