AESTHETIC | The art of perception Exhibition

Ornella Fusion Gallery, Timisoara will host the exhibition from December 13, 2023 to January 30, 2024, AESTHETIC | AESTHETIC - The Art of Perception | The art of perception of the visual artist Diana Andreescu, an exhibition where you can visualize a different expression of digital arts.

Curator: university professor dr. Daniela Constantin
With the support of: "Pivnițele Birăuș Miniș" winery

Diana Andreescu has a degree in visual arts at the Western University of Timișoara, Faculty of Arts and Design, majoring in Design, a Master of Arts (industrial design) at the Academy of Florence Italy and a PhD at the Western University of Timișoara, Faculty of Arts and Design, where has been teaching since 2005.

At the beginning of his artistic career, his concerns were manifested in a functional design area, between design and ceramics, following an almost universally valid categorization, with an aesthetic orientation. With the end of the faculty and the first participation in exhibitions, seminars, conferences, the field of interest continued to expand, encompassing other directions especially in the area of theory, research and experimentation.The concept of the solo exhibition at Ornella Fusion Gallery, proposes a perspective on poetry as a source of inspiration, modeling its versatile nature and ability to adapt to various dimensions of life, including in the contemporary digital environment. The geometric works implore the viewer to reflect on how they feel physically with the influence of the Op Art movement, which exploited optical illusions to make the two-dimensional surface of the work appear to move, vibrate and glow. Based on my own optical experiences and not on color theories, mathematics or science, I experimented with structural units such as squares, ovals, stripes and curves in various configurations and colors to explore the physical and psychological responses of the eye. Another element introduced in his works is the "Text". In the last half century, the term "Text" has gained such a wide spread in scientific literature from the most diverse fields that there has been a real inflation of the meaning of this notion: the words of Jacques Derrida "il n'est rien en-dehors du texte".

"AESTHETIC | AESTHETIC, The art of perception | The art of perception"- is a transformational experience that will enrich your soul and connect you to the pure essence of human creativity. Each piece on display is an expression of creativity in a digital environment, reflecting our ability to integrate traditional art with new technologies. Through this symbiosis, we aim to highlight artistic evolution in a modern context.

The exhibition space is located on Gheorghe Lazăr street no. 9A| Office building 700 | Timisoara

Part of

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Galerie de Artă Digitală