aPlace For Culture: Inclusion and Diversity

Fundatia de Abilitare Speranta is organizing on 27.10.2023, starting at 16:30, at the Water Museum in Timișoara, Calea Urseni no. 26, an event within the project "UnLoc for culture: inclusion and diversity", a project aimed at increasing the quality of the lives of adults with disabilities by facilitating their active participation in cultural, artistic and educational life, ensuring their equal access in the community.

The event's agenda:

16:30 - 17:30
Public debate - Common perspectives: the rights and participation of people with disabilities in the cultural life of the community.

The purpose of the public debate is to facilitate an open and constructive dialogue between people with disabilities and those without disabilities, regarding their rights and participation in the cultural life of the community, bringing together various perspectives and experiences, promoting understanding and raising awareness among the community.

17:30 - 19:00
Photo exhibition - Perspectives not / seen: beyond the label of disability

The aim of the exhibition is to bring to the fore the experiences, talents and emotions of people with disabilities through photography, helping to change the negative perceptions and labels associated with them.

The exhibition brings together two nationally recognized photographic artists: Vasile Dorolți from Baia Mare, who will present to the Timișoara public the works made in orphanages in the 1980s (the photographs represent, as children were then, adults with disabilities today), and Cristian Tzecu from Timișoara, who documents already the lives of people with disabilities and will take a series of photographs specially designed for the project and exhibition, and will also include a selection of photographs taken by people with disabilities in the community.

The exhibition will remain open until November 13.

19:00 - 19:30
Testimonial-movie release - Perspectives not / seen: beyond the barriers of exclusion

The film will bring to light unseen perspectives on the lives of people with disabilities, with film playing an important role in educating the public, generating empathy and promoting social inclusion.

The project "UnLoc for culture: inclusion and diversity" is financed by the National Authority for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities through the call for NGO projects 2023.

The objective of this project is to increase the quality of life of adults with disabilities with an institutional past or at risk of (re)institutionalization, by creating opportunities to participate in the cultural life of the community, increasing their capacity and empowering them to express themselves in public space and by raising awareness and involving the local community in ensuring their participation in the community as active citizens who exercise their full rights.

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Unloc pentru cultură: incluziune și diversitate - dezbatere …