Bolyai Memorial and Organ concert with contemporary works of the two Bolyai – organist: Ciurtin Viorel

Opening ceremony of the event, speeches

Prof. Nagy Dénes, International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry, president

Prof. Kovács Levente, Óbuda University, rector

Prof. Nagy László, MTA KAB, president

Prof. Bitay Enikő, EME president

Dr. Erdei Ildikó, Bartók Béla Foundation, executive director

Tamás Péter, Honorary Consul of Hungary in Timișoara

Prof. Nagy-György Tamás, MTA KAB – Working committee from Banat, president

Organ concert: 

The organ concert is scheduled for the opening ceremony, it will be performed by Viorel Ciurtin organist from Timișoara, and the pieces chosen are works from the contemporary era of the two Bolyai, creating an atmosphere from the 1860s.

Repertoire: J. S. Bach – Concerto II (PI, PII, PIII), G. F. Händel – Suit in G major HWV 441 Aria, G. F. Händel – Largo, F. Liszt – Le Rossignol, F. Liszt – Die Loreley, J. Brahms – Das ungar nr. 5, G. F. Händel – Simfonia from the oratorio Soloman – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba


The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Grow Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

Part of

Bolyai200-Art-Science Fest

Bolyai200-Art-Science Fest