City Celebration through art, science and experiment

Have you ever wondered what can result from combining art and science in a Polytechnic laboratory?

At the opening of the exhibition CELEBRATING THE CITY through art, science and experiment at MV sci-art, the space will be transformed into an epicenter of art, science and experiment, offering an interactive and educational experience.

The "interactive playground" exhibition will be a space for exploration, dialog and experimentation, giving you the chance to participate in laboratory experiments using sophisticated equipment from the Politehnica University of Timișoara: microscopes, measuring devices and experiment kits.  

The exhibition will also showcase the work of emerging artists from Timisoara who find themselves at the intersection between art and science. In their works they constantly seek to push the boundaries of interdisciplinary collaborations and show the complementary relationship between the two seemingly disparate fields.  

The second day of the exhibition brings workshops and performative actions designed to stimulate the curiosity and active participation of visitors of all ages: 

  • a workshop dedicated to the writing of science fiction short-stories, with the theme The Imaginary City (August 17, 12:00)
  • discussion/dialogue sessions focusing on critical thinking, led by artist Mihai Toth (17 August, 12:00)

The exhibition at the MV sci-art center is a living laboratory of ideas, a meeting place for those passionate about innovation and exploration, providing a setting for discovery and interdisciplinary dialogue. 

Part of

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Emergent coLab