Doctorul Sinteză

Doctorul Sinteză is a DAWless live electronic music and live visuals group performing audio-visual (AV) shows. Doctorul Sinteză started in the mid to late 2000’s as a solo project open for sound experiments by Uțu Pascu, and recently became a duo when visual artist Cristian Văduva joined the band. Doctorul Sinteză describes their audio-visual shows as ”live sequenced and fried electronic sounds with sweet and sour visuals” and recently they have released a single Osmotic and their debut album Night Shift – a sonic trip exploring the halcyon encounters of the benighted times.

Muzicon.hub, D'Arc pe Mal,j, Center for Projects

Financed by:
City of Timișoara through the Center for Projects

Part of

City Celebration 2023

City Celebration 2023