Doru Căstăian - "The (Post)Humanist Potential of Science"

On Tuesday, September 26th, at 5:00 PM, we invite you to a captivating discussion on "The (Post)Humanist Potential of Science."

Our guest, Doru Căstăian, is a professor of social and human sciences at the "Dimitrie Cuclin" Arts High School in Galați and at the "Vasile Alecsandri" National College in Galați. He is also an associate professor of critical thinking and bioethics at the Faculty of History, Philosophy, and Theology at the "Dunărea de Jos" University in Galați.

The event will take place at the West University of Timișoara in the Aula Magna. The event's moderator, Associate Professor Dr. Mădălin Bunoiu, Vice-Rector of UVT, will ensure an interactive and thought-provoking discussion.

This event is part of the "Connected to the Future" series, which aims to popularize science (especially the exact sciences) through interactive dialogues between a moderator, the audience, and one or more experts from faculties and the national and international scientific community. The chosen topics stem from issues of interest to the community discussed in the media.

We look forward to having you at the conference!

The partner for this series of events is NOKIA.

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La UVT, Cultura este Capitală

La UVT, Cultura este Capitală