Educative recital for and by children

Our next concert, on Sunday, the 27th of August, at 7 pm, at the Roman-Catholic Church St. Rochus in the Freidorf neighbourhood, is a very special one, dedicated to the children in our audience. This educative and interactive concert will consist of a presentation of the organ and an opportunity for all children who know how to play the piano to play a song of their choosing on the organ. All you need to do if you wish to play is sign up using the form below and we will contact you for more details.

It is our desire to encourage young musicians to explore the central instrument of our festival - the organ and maybe discover a new passion. See you all soon!

Proiectul face parte din Programul cultural național Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023 și este finanțat prin programul LoB2023+, derulat de Centrul de Cultura și Artă al Județului Timiș, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii.

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Festivalul Internațional Orgile Cetății din Timișoara

Festivalul Internațional Orgile Cetății din Timișoara