Gipsy Groove

Gypsy Groove is an electrifying concert that celebrates the vibrant and rich culture of the Roma people through music. This event, organized as part of the Timișoara Capital of Culture programme, promises to be a thrilling night of entertainment that will leave the audience captivated. The Gipsy Groove concert is a celebration of diversity, unity, and the power of music to bring people together. The Gipsy Groove concert will be organized in connection with the finishing of the exhibition "Chronic Desire" by Mihaela Cîmpeanu and Sead Kazanxhiu and with the exhibition in the RomaMoMA Library at Maria Tereza Bastion, organized in collaboration with the Intercultural Institute Timișoara.

This project is part of the “Timisoara 2023- European Capital of Culture” Programme and is funded by the Municipality of Timisoara, through the Center for Projects.

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Să aducem vocea romilor în Capitala Europeană a …