GRAND HOSTEL TIMIȘOARA | 25 Hours of Non-Stop Theatre

With: Cristine Cizmaș, Armand Iftode, Ioan Codrea, Jasmina Mitrici, Ionuț Marian Pîrvulescu, Anastasia Miulescu
Text and staging: Ovidiu Mihăiță
Approximate duration: 3 h (with break)

The show is performed in Romanian, German, English, Italian, French, Dutch, Serbian and, to a lesser extent, Turkish, Greek, Chinese, Romani and sign language.

The action takes place in the reception of a hostel in Timisoara in the year 2023 when the city is the European Capital of Culture. Tourists from all over the world come in search of the unique "something" that every city has, the spirit of the place, defined by architecture, specific cuisine, culture, nightlife, events, the city centre, the slums, etc. Timisoara, a cosmopolitan city, has a bit of everything to offer, but it is not sure that local products satisfy international needs.

Some tourists return from the city beaten, others robbed, in love, tricked, desolate, delighted or fined. The last of them, a Moldovan returning from picking asparagus in Germany, paints some atrocious pictures of today's Europe.


You can dine before, during or after the show, have a drink from the bar, visit our museum! 

25 HOURS OF NON-STOP THEATRE (13th edition) is a cultural project co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or the way the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding

* Tickets sold by aualeu, with reservation at 0751 892 340

The project is part of the National Cultural Programme Timisoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023 and is funded by the Theatre Artistic Excellence programme, run by the Timis County Centre for Culture and Arts, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the Ministry of Culture budget.

Part of

25 Hours of Non-Stop Theatre (13th Edition)

25 Hours of Non-Stop Theatre (13th Edition)