Grounded – instalatie performativă, de obiecte si sunet @ CODRU Sustainart Village Timișoara

CODRU Sustainart Village - Creative Sustainability Week, ediția II, 2023
București | Timișoara | Cluj | Reșița

Grounded – Performative Installation, Objects, and Sound
Concept by Alina Tofan
Team – Alina Tofan + Sound Designer

Saturday, October 7th, 7:30 PM @ CODRU Urban Garden (Cazarma U)
*Duration: 2 hours

ECO Sound Performative Installation with Binaural Frequencies // Global Crisis // Coexistence // Natural-Artificial // Pollution // Regeneration

GROUNDED // Durational Ecoperformance & Binaural Frequencies - Ambient Vibes

The human body reacts when it touches the earth. This explains why people in the past used to walk barefoot and always sit directly on the ground in a posture that allowed them maximum contact with it.

The contact with the earth equates to the vital body reconnection with its energy source and restores the system's stability, enhancing the body's regenerative capacity.

There is a constant cycle of plastic in nature. It covers, obstructs, and suffocates the earth from following its natural course. Nothing grows from plastic; everything struggles to survive amidst plastic.

This project is part of the National Cultural Program Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023 and is funded through the LOB2023+ program, implemented by the Timiș County Center for Culture and Art, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the Ministry of Culture's budget.

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CODRU Sustainart Village

CODRU Sustainart Village