International Microorganism Day

The "BioArt Revolution" exhibition is part of the international circuit of events organised on the occasion of the International Day of Microorganisms which is celebrated every year on 17 September. This day was chosen because on 17 September 1683, a Dutch merchant named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, with no wealth or university education, sent a letter to the Royal Society of London describing a single-celled organism. To mark this milestone in the history and the development of scientific disciplines, International Microorganism Day has been celebrated since 2017. In 2023, the exhibition organised in Timisoara, under the auspices of the Romanian Science Festival, as part of the European Capital of Culture programme, is part of a series of events being organised in another 28 countries.

The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the European Echoes Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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BioArt Revolution

BioArt Revolution