The main objective of the Local Diaspora Association is to activate resources from the diaspora for the transformation of communities at home. To this end, it organizes cultural, educational and social initiatives involving the Romanian diaspora through volunteering, expertise and resources.

The Local Diaspora Association is the main initiaor of the The Romanian Science Festival (RSF).

The Romanian Science Festival (RSF) is the first national science festival. This initiative was born out of the desire to involve Romanian researchers and students from the diaspora in the Romanian education system in order to attract students to scientific disciplines. To this end, various initiatives are organised, both online and in person, dedicated to children, teachers and the community.

The RSF mentoring community is made up of more than 120 mentors who are Romanian students, researchers and professionals from the diaspora who get involved in different activities of the Romanian Science Festival: science fairs, webinars, online classroom visits, competitions. Since its launch in 2019, Romanian Science Festival has brought science to over 150 schools in Romania and reached over 100,000 students.

In 2022, the Romanian Science Festival was named winner by Berlin’s Falling Walls Foundation in the Science Engagement category. The Romanian Science Festival competed alongside over 1300 other participating projects from 66 countries around the world.


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