Lecture by Anna Rosling Rönnlund | 100 years of UPT Campus

This event is part of 100 Years of UPT Campus.

The UPT Campus is celebrating 100 years of existence through a unique multimedia event, which, among many other special activities, also prepared a conference held by Anna Rosling Rönnlund, who arrives in Romania after 4 years.

Anna Rosling Rönnlund is a Swedish designer who, together with her husband Ola Rosling, developed Trendalyzer, interactive software for viewing statistical information. After selling Trendalyzer to Google in 2007, the couple continued to work on its development until August 2010.

In 2005, together with statistician and father-in-law Hans Rosling, he co-founded the Gapminder Foundation, where he is vice president for design and usability. The organization's mission is to combat devastating ignorance by providing a fact-based worldview, one that everyone can understand. On a mission to identify those misconceptions about important global trends, Anna also co-authored the book - Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think. The volume released in 2018 shows that the vast majority of people are wrong about the state of the world. People think the world is poorer, less healthy, and more dangerous than it really is, and that's because of misinformation.

On Friday, November 17, starting at 19:00, the public will be able to better discover Anna and communicate with her during the conference.
Access to the event is free, based on a reservation made by filling out the form below.

Place reservation form

The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Grow Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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Campus Creativ

Campus Creativ