Marsdelux | JAZZx

Marsdelux took form in late 2023, consisting of Marina Arsene (vocals, fx) Denis Bolborea (vocals, beatbox, looping) and Lucas Contreras (guitar, fx). In an expanded line-up, saxophonist Paolo Profeti joined the trio, bringing an electric and innovative energy to the stage.

The band’s stylistic identity started from the common vocabulary of jazz harmony, blended with dance grooves and varied influences from each member’s distinct musical background, integrating elements of electronic, soul and world music.

In the world of music, their own compositions are combined with original arrangements of contemporary pieces. Vocal-instrumental layouts, created by looping, build complex and captivating layers of sound. Effects-driven guitar and synthesizers add modern and experimental nuances, and organic beatbox percussion contributes to the pulsating rhythm of each composition. Improvisation is enriched by experimental sound textures, atmospheric drones, and unconventional elements are integral to the sound.

JAZZx is a music festival that has been taking place in the center of Timișoara since 2013. The event is dedicated to the general public because jazz is for everyone. So, for three days, the city center will be filled with the vibrant energy of jazz music and the audience celebrating 11 years of this event, which has become a cultural symbol for Timișoara.

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JAZZx 2024

JAZZx 2024