Megadeath of Meaning & RawDance: Moving Talks (proiecție de film de dans) | DINAM, ediția a 4-a

"Megadeath of Meaning"

The movie offers an immersive experience in which a series of short stories invite you to reflect on fundamental questions facing the contemporary individual, burdened by worries, stress, and nostalgia for the protective space of childhood.

In a world where everyone strives to stand out, meaning seems to get lost between the lines. Like a portrait of the postmodern individual, constantly searching for purpose and usefulness in society, the film follows the logic of nightmares with shared sources, encouraging the viewer to confront a series of primal fears in a safe space.

Thus, the characters—a group of dancers—experience the absurdity of uncomfortable situations, from the fear of forgetting to turn off the stove to the fear of losing control over their identity. This aims to offer the audience a context for reflecting on their own fears and accepting them as a means of personal evolution and increased resilience to the environment known as society.

Directed & edited by: Corina Andrian

Performers: Eva Danciu, George Pleșca, Sofia Sitaru Onofrei

Music: Adrian Ionescu

Produced by: Delazero Association

With the support of: /SAC @ Malmaison

The film is produced by Delazero Association and co-funded by the City Hall of Sector 6, through the European Cultural Center of Sector 6, as part of the CULTURA 2023 program.

"RawDance: Moving Talks"

Over the course of 10 days, a team of multidisciplinary Romanian artists explored, created, and performed in Wuppertal, Germany. The RAWDANCE project aimed to foster a deeper cultural connection between the contemporary dance scenes of Bucharest (Romania) and Wuppertal (Germany). The exchange featured several street performances infused with Romanian mythology and traditions. The artists combined real-time composition choreographic structures with live music performed by MARA and RVQ. Each day included discussions with members of the RAWDANCE project as well as with members of the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch and Tanz Station - Barmer Bahnhof dance company.

The documentary follows the efforts and achievements of the artistic collective behind the "RawDance" project, capturing their rehearsals and performances. It also explores the dancers' and musicians' definitions of art and its role in the world, as well as their perspectives on pain, passion, and purpose, and how their perception of dance has evolved over time globally. Gradually, we also get to know the Wuppertal dancers, who share their experiences of working with visionary choreographer Pina Bausch, the legacy she left behind, and their thoughts on what the future of the company might look like.

Artistic team:

Dancers - Anastasia Grigore, Maria Beatrice Oneț, George Alexandru Pleșca, Maria Luiza Dimulescu, Mariana Gavriciuc

Musicians - Radu Vâlcu (guitar), Răzvan Florescu (percussion), Mihai Balabaș (violin)

Voice - MARA

Video documentation - Corina Andrian (director), Cătălin Rugină (DOP) Costumes - Valentin Teodorescu Artistic coordinator - Anastasia Grigore

"RawDance" is a project organized by Delazero Association, co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund and funded by the Ministry of Culture

DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition is a project aimed at strengthening and making contemporary dance more accessible as a relevant form of artistic expression, along with its related events, within the cultural landscape of the city of Timișoara.

The project is implemented by the Unfold Motion Association and is part of the national cultural program 'Timișoara European Capital of Culture in 2023,' funded through the Legacy Timișoara 2023 program, managed by the Timișoara Project Center, with funds allocated from the state budget through the Ministry of Culture's budget.

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DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition

DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition