Moving Landscapes - contemporary dance and experiential anatomy workshop

Starting from the statement that our body is built to be in motion, from 23-24 September we invite you to Moving Landscapes - a workshop on contemporary dance and experiential anatomy (developed by Cristina Lilienfeld), where we will work from images of the human anatomy, complemented by our imagination, to broaden our sphere of perception and be in more real contact with the messages of our body.


Cristina Lilienfeld: "Inspired by the last Body Mind Centering and Axis Syllabus courses I attended, I created a format to explore anatomy and the myriad ways the body can find freedom of movement. For me this space in which I discover internal mechanisms that sometimes seem magical or at least surprising has always been a source of revelation and a "home". What I want is to share with you this sensation of living in one's own body, a sensation that seems to me to be one of the only accessible resources of grounding and, why not, of joy, in the hectic times in which we live. We will use guided improvisation as well as short elements of choreography to understand and explore in depth the chosen themes and especially to break out of the automatic patterns of the movements we practice. We will also stimulate creativity through group composition exercises designed to bring us together and in touch with our hidden resources."

The workshop is open to anyone regardless of experience level. Participation is free of charge, by registering at [email protected].


  • Saturday 23 September: 11.00-14.00
  • Sunday 24 September: 11.00-14.00
The workshop is brought to Timisoara at the initiative of choreographer Alexandra Gîrbea and is part of CADRE & FORME - a complex dance programme developed by the associations Noi Re-Creăm and Unfold Motion, included in the Cultural Programme "Timișoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture" and financed by the Municipality of Timișoara through the Timișoara Project Centre.

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 Frames & Shapes

Frames & Shapes