Frames & Shapes

Frames & Shapes is a program that promotes contemporary dance in Timisoara by strengthening the emerging scene and diversifying the audience. Frames & Shapes has evolved from a simple project in 2019 to a coherent and articulated program of activities in 2022, including two contemporary dance summer schools, 8 shows, 5 workshops and a residency for 6 months.

In 2023, the program proposes 6 shows, 11 workshops, 1 public intervention/ presentation, 1 experimental laboratory, and 1 itinerant performative installation.

The program is carefully built considering the artistic excellence of the guests, but also the originality and added value they bring to the represented creative sector. 

The concern for developing the contemporary dance sector by offering training opportunities for young dancers, national and international collaboration and promoting the social and well-being function that dance can fulfil for those less passionate about the artistic dimension are just a few of the dimensions that this program authentically combines. 

In 2022, Frames & Shapes reached the conceptual maturity that opens up promising perspectives for 2023, when the proposed program will attract participants and the public from the country, abroad, and hopefully even further.

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is funded by the City of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects.