New Temporealities: The Xenogenesis of SF

New Temporalities: Xenogenesis of Science Fiction is a touring project in Timișoara in the INDECIS space through the programme Timișoara2023 European Capital of Culture.

Curators: Ștefan Tiron, V. Leac, Mimi Ciora, Sergiu Sas 

Guests: Linda Barkasz, Mimi Ciora, Declan Clarke, Cocalar Cosmos, Timotei Drob, Ion Dumitrescu, dyslex, Suce Fraga, Irina Gheorghe, Cătălin Ghercioiu, Kaps Crew, Laika, Marius Leftarache, Silvestru Muntean, Dmitri Miticov, Plevna, Alin Răuțoiu, Walter Riess, Mihai Sava, Ing. Nicolae Stăncioiu, Jean Lorin Sterian, Valentin Tănase, Vlad Gheorghe Cadar, Viorel Pîrligras, Koter Vilmos, Carolina Vozian.

New Temporalities: Xenogenesis of Science Fiction is an invitation to explore the history of new times, where speculations about all kinds of worlds are taking place", Ștefan Tiron, curator New Times: Xenogenesis of Science Fiction

The exhibition presents trajectories and dynamics that originated from the SF community, from the primary SF fandom, but now belong to everyone. The SF fandom is without a doubt the oldest fandom in Romania and other Eastern European countries, understood as a polymorphous community of shared interests and transformative passions, nuclei of fans and fanatics, lovers, lovers, amateurs, artists, artists, engineers, cenaclists, sound and VFX creators twisted over time. 

The concept starts from the idea that wherever we are, even in the most remote place imaginable, the extremity of contemporary reality takes us into science fiction, with third-degree encounters at every turn. This reality is streaked with the vectors of science fiction, if only because science fiction might help us experimentally resolve unresolvable contradictions. 

The exhibition was produced in 2021 by the Ephemair Association, together with Fundația9 and presented at Rezidența9 in Bucharest with financial support from BRD-Groupe Société Générale, AFCN – Administration of the National Cultural Fund and Goethe-Institut Bucharest.

In Timișoara this project continues in partnership with Foc & Pară Association, of the INDECIS collective and is part of the Cultural Program "Timișoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture" financed by the Municipality of Timișoara through the Project Center, co-financed by BRD-Groupe Société Générale, Fundația9 and the Ephemair and Indecis Association.

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