Opening: cover me softly

As we celebrate 10 years of Beta, we are excited to invite you to the fifth edition of the Timisoara Architecture Biennial, titled cover me softly and curated by Oana Stănescu.  

This edition aims to explore the concept of "cover" across multiple disciplines, mediums, and geographies.

The Opening will take place on Friday starting at 18:30. We look forward to welcoming you to explore the Garrison’s Command building in a new, soft, light. Representatives of the Romanian Order of Architects, its Timiș territorial branch, partners, local administration, and of course, the curatorial team and organizers of the biennial will all join us at the opening.

From 20:00, Roxanne Tataei, followed by Ladr Ache will kick off the live musical performances for this edition. The up and coming Kadjavsi will perform next. Then, approaching midnight, the first night of Beta 2024 will conclude with a DJ set by Bogdan Orbita.

The Beta 2024 exhibition brings together a vast selection of architects, designers, musicians, artists, activists, photographers, writers, directors, and other interdisciplinary creators. This edition, our meeting point will be the Garrison’s Command. Here, you will be able to discover the plethora of participants’ and guests’ installations and contributions.

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Cover me softly

Cover me softly