Parallel City: Party in Elisabetin - PORTAL Route

Go to the coolest secret party in Elisabetin and activate the Portal that will open the Parallel City. Explore the theatrical Wonderland.


THE GAME OF LIFE (minimum 2 - maximum 6 players)
The Princess and the Countess have seen a lot of things and experienced even more. Find them to play the game that takes you through the streets of life. The best player will win a noble estate. But be careful: one life, one chance! You can always watch if you don't grab a seat at the table. 

The Parallel Puppeteers reveal the secrets of the Parallel City with stories from Iosefin, Fabric, and Elisabetin. Find them for an intimate puppet show. 

Listen to the forest where only whispers are spoken. 

Can you discover the Parallel Man?

Look into the well and let yourself be carried away by the meanders of past paths. Make a wish!

In life, we are like a boat lost in the middle of the ocean. We can find our direction with every drop of water, even if at times we drift aimlessly.

Set out on the path to fulfill your most ardent wish.

For the party:

1. Dress funky! And include at least one pink or blue item in your costume. 

2. Wear super comfortable shoes! You'll have to walk, in some cases, around 500 meters. You'll also be climbing stairs, and moving through space. Leave the heels at home. Our party is uber-casual. 

3. Come with a charged phone. And a pair of headphones, if it’s possible. You'll have QR codes to scan giving you access to an audio story. We don't provide phones, that would be really lame.

4. You can take photos, make Insta stories, TikToks, and any other type of social media content you wish. We're not a boring theater. You have freedom! Just tag us @orasulparalel.

The Parallel City: Party in Elisabetin concludes the Parallel City trilogy created by director Ana Mărgineanu and playwright Peca Ștefan. An immersive theatrical wonderland, The Parallel City: Party in Elisabetin invites multiple viewings, with audiences able to choose one of 5 available performative routes at every performance. Each route features one or more characters: parallelian Lela, police colonel Edgár (one of the secondary characters in The Parallel City: Iosefin), former typist Beáta (one of the secondary characters in The Parallel City: Fabric), deaf influencer XO, or Lela’s Crew members for the Portal route. Participants will also be able to explore and experience several attractions: The Game of Life (playable by up to 6 players), The Tent of Secrets (which offers puppet theatre for a limited audience), The Labyrinth of Mirrors, The Forest of Whispers, The Well of Time, The Ocean of Continuity and The Realm of Wishes. 

The Parallel City: Party in Elisabetin also offers the public a non-performative route, The Parallelian from Elisabetin, featuring audio recordings of real and fascinating stories told by residents of the neighborhood. This route will be launched in September and it will be free and open 24/7. 

Starting location: str. Traian Lalescu nr. 2 (pe trepte la Facultatea de Construcții)

Start time: 19:30

Ticket price: 40 lei

Age: 14+

The route is available in Romanian, Hungarian, and English. 

Parallel City Performances (IosefinFabric și Party în Elisabetin) are part of the Urban Dilemmas project: The Parallel City developed by the Diogenes Cultural Association and the Hungarian State Theater „Csiky Gergely”, in co-production with the "Merlin" Theater for Children and Youth, with the support of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, and the Public Transport Company Timișoara.

The project is part of the National Cultural Program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded by Timișoara Municipality through the Center for Projects.

Part of

Urban Dilemmas. Parallel City 2023

Urban Dilemmas. Parallel City 2023