Roads Through the Forest consists of an immersive installation with drawings and collages of fantastic characters from the Pine Forest, which is a key concept of the artist's universe.
In this installation, the Urseni UFO Building borrows the symbolic connotations of the Pine Forest and becomes an ambivalent space, both physical and allegorical, in which fantastic, semi-abstract characters make their appearance and which viewers are invited to encounter.
At the opening of the exhibition, at 7 PM, the public will be invited to participate in a collective performance action /Let's make them talk!/ in which each person is will be able to interact with the space and the characters as guided by the artist.
Opening: 21 November, 18:30


Sânziana Gheorghe is a visual artist and PhD student in Timișoara, within the Faculty of Arts and Design, West University of Timișoara. She is a trainee member of UAP Romania since 2023.

As a creative approach, the works he creates are in the field of easel graphics, engraving, painting, installation, combining traditional drawing and engraving techniques with experimental techniques. Through her work, the artist aims to capture the point of contact between the area of the figurative - especially the human figure, and the area of the abstract, translating into visual language, the game between reason and instinct.

She participated in numerous group exhibitions, and exhibitions of the Faculty of Arts and Design from Timișoara, in the country and abroad, such as:

  • I forgot my ruler, within the ArtEncounters Biennial of contemporary art, 2023 edition, May 21 - July 16, 2023, Timișoara;
  • Exhibition of research projects of PhD students from the Faculty of Arts and Design, West University of Timișoara, May 15-22, 2023, Beira Interior University of Covilha, Portugal;
  • Memory [OFF] Space, 9-29 May 2023, UVT ArtCenter, Timișoara;
  • Infinite Journeys, Romania-Korea Exhibition, March 27- April 29, Mansarda Gallery, Faculty of Arts and Design, West University of Timișoara, Timișoara;
  • Genealogy of subjective realities, 24-28 October 2022, Spinelli 3D Distribution Area, European Parliament, Brussels;
  • Emerging Artists Awards 2021, October 1-4, 2021, Comenduirea Garnizoanei Gallery, Timișoara.
This artistic creation was produced with the support of an Energie! Creative Grant awarded by the Municipality of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects, within the Power Station component of the National Cultural Programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023".
The material does not necessarily represent the position of the Center for Projects and the latter is not responsible for its content or how it may be used.

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Proiect artistic interactiv | Drumuri prin pădure

Proiect artistic interactiv | Drumuri prin pădure