Playful interpretations and adaptations of Platonic solids in the contemporary context of ambient and product design

In parallel with going through the theoretical concepts, the students participating in this art workshop will immerse themselves in the universe of environmental and product design, with the help of designer Mihai Caraghiaur.  It will decrypt and provide an extensive understanding of the concepts of image, light and form, recontextualizing, from the perspective of the design of Platonic solids.

Atelierul de artă Interpretari si adaptari ludice ale solidelor Platonice in contextul contemporan al designului ambiental si de produs face parte din proiectul Spații Interdimensionale derulat de Asociaţia ARTDENDUM (manager de proiect: Horațiu Cristian Pavelescu).

Part of

Spații Interdimensionale

Spații Interdimensionale