PRO MUSICA – The Logic of Time

The Timișoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture Association and the Romanian Cultural Institute in Budapest are celebrating, within the legacy of the “Timișoara - European Capital of Culture 2023” Program, the special event “PRO MUSICA – The Logic of Time,” which will take place on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, starting at 6:00 PM, at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Budapest, located at Izsó Street 5, 1146 Budapest.

The event aims to highlight the story of one of Romania’s most iconic rock bands, PRO MUSICA, through a series of special cultural activities, including a book launch, a photo exhibition, and a live concert.

The launch of the book “PRO MUSICA The Logic of Time – Texts,” authored by Doru Eugen Iosif, Ștefan Dandu, and Marian Odangiu, offers an insight into the history and cultural impact of the band, bringing to light key moments and unique perspectives of its members.

The event also includes the opening of the photo exhibition “PRO MUSICA” by Constantin Duma, which captures the essence and evolution of the band, revealing unique scenes from its activity. The exhibition is a true visual chronicle of the band, reflecting the glory moments, passion, and energy that have defined PRO MUSICA over the decades.

The evening will conclude with a special concert featuring Ilie Stepan, Horea Crișovan, and Doru Iosif, where music will become the bridge between the past and the present, reviving the spirit of an era when PRO MUSICA became a symbol of artistic freedom of expression. The audience is invited to relive the emotion and vibe of timeless songs, in an intimate and authentic atmosphere that celebrates the artistic value of Romanian rock music.

Through this event, the Timișoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture Association and the Romanian Cultural Institute in Budapest continue to showcase Romania’s cultural diversity and artistic richness, strengthening the cultural ties between Romania and Hungary in the context of the “Timișoara - European Capital of Culture 2023” Program and its legacy.

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Timișoara: Free City, Free Spirit

Timișoara: Free City, Free Spirit