PROXY - Take My Thought, Word, Act

I am in the category of artists, and I quote Ionuț Cioană here, "who are naive enough, if not really stupid enough, to believe in an ideal and work from conviction. For him, this ideal implicitly means, due to the nature of his work, an almost programmatic professional vulnerability" (From noble dignity to the worst disappointment, Scene 9, March 18, 2017). The attitude Ionuț Cioană was talking about (1980–2020) ) does not come without a series of limitations, determined in turn by the economic realities specific to the economic/social/cultural time and space in which we live and (try to) function.

I (re)find myself somewhere between my own biography and the biographical data of the cultural space in which I carry out my activity. I am particularly concerned with unraveling the tangled passages of the recent or current history of this space, passages that unfold episodically (in my mind) non-stop.

Although starting from the medium of sculpture, the discipline studied at college and master's degree, my current practice is freed from the limitations of traditional mediums and moreover, it produces gestures that are far from clear or conclusive, often taking the form of documented exercises, rehearsals, without the pretense of being constitute in finished works. The negotiation of the relationship with and positioning towards the environment or environments and artistic production is also forced by a working method that involves, almost exclusively, partnerships with other practitioners from various artistic fields (actors, performers, musicians, designers, etc.) - collaborations that I discuss the role of the author in a dialogue in which the approach to the subject (which is most often provoked by me) is negotiated between the interlocutors.

On October 25, for two hours, I will try to speak somehow, clearly, about the land or territory that my work occupies and about the cultural and historical, political space from which it originates and in which it lives, a space which, as it changes, signifies and re-signifies it.

On the other hand, I will try to justify a work process in which the other (the other) becomes a PROXY and is mandated to carry out the steps that, it is increasingly clear to me, I cannot do, on a ground that I do not I can walk it, alone, without a companion.

With gratitude to a group of wonderful collaborators and interlocutors, among which I mention a few: Wero, Răzvan Anton, Alex Rotea, Minitremu, Adrian Bojenoiu, Doru Taloș, Mădălina Dan, Oana Bolboacă, Andrei Ursu, Adriana Gheorghe, Andrei Dinu, Katia Pascariu, among others, I'm waiting for you at the Basque Theater on the 25th.

This project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and was funded through Energie! Burse de Creație grant by the City of Timisoara, through the Center for Projects.

Part of

Rehearsing History - Takes

Rehearsing History - Takes