Public Conference and DHC Ceremony - ORHAN PAMUK

At the beginning of April, the writer Orhan Pamuk, laureate of the Nobel Prize for Literature (2006), will be invited to a special meeting with the Timisoara public, an absolute first for the local cultural environment. The laureate is considered one of the most famous contemporary Turkish writers, with his works translated into more than 40 languages and published in more than 100 countries. In the most important themes that play a central role in his works, the Turkish writer evokes the relationship between Eastern and Western culture, but also the strong specificity of the Turkish mentality, in which floats the multiple melancholy that can also be felt in the air of Istanbul, explained by Orhan Pamuk by the term hüzün, a specifically Turkish synonym for melancholy as understood by Western Europeans.

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La UVT, Cultura este Capitală

La UVT, Cultura este Capitală