The city is ours and only together can we transform it into a united and inclusive community.

CelebrALL proposes both to celebrate the city for all and to develop the critical thinking skills essential for being responsible, tolerant and inclusive citizens.

The event includes various cultural and educational activities designed to actively engage the public, with participants having the opportunity to work and create together, contributing to an open and constructive dialog.

Detailed program:  

August 16:

  • 16:00 - Children's interactive forum theater play "Timisoara - time travel"
  • 18:00 - REMIX ID - presentation of the legacy of the project and discussions with the team 

August 17th

  • 11:00 - Creative writing workshop on My Timisoara
  • 13:00 - Cyanotype workshop
  • 15:00 - Workshop to discover the ethnic groups from Banat by replicating elements from traditional folk costumes on t-shirts, through drawing
  • 16:30 - Community connection session
  • 18:00 - Workshop of traditional dance combined with contemporary elements 

 August 18th

  • 11:00 - Workshop of traditional Vlach dance combined with contemporary elements
  • 12:30 - Community connection session
  • 14:00 - Cyanotype workshop
  • 16:00 - Creative writing workshop on My Timisoara
  • 18:00 - Community connection session 

 We look forward to strengthening the community through collaboration and mutual understanding!

Part of

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REMIX ID - Voices of freedom