Sensory Labyrinth Theatre show at Liceul Teoretic Special Iris

During the co-creative program, Iris High School students have built an immersive sensory experience that sends viewers on an intriguing and relaxing adventure.

The performance is the fruit of the co-creative program, in which the children learned the techniques of Sensory Labyrinth Theatre and, step by step, overcame their challenges, conquered their fears, and cultivated their courage to offer the audience a journey built from the depths of their souls.

Thus, the courtyard of Iris High School, as well as the Sensory Park, became a large stage where the audience encountered a magical forest with talking trees, hiding a secret path to a beach.

Through the moments of the performance, children were encouraged to develop their creative sense by dramatizing moments inspired by their personal lives or passions. They were guided to reach a point of comfort, so that they could become vulnerable and talk openly and honestly with the audience who crossed their threshold.

The show ended with a feedback circle in which teachers, also former spectators, gave feedback on the children's personal, emotional and social development.

Part of

The Non-Formal College Experiment

The Non-Formal College Experiment