Social Fabric: Vasile Leac - Public Presentation

You will be able to meet Vasile Leac, during an informal meeting on Saturday, October 7, from 7 p.m., in the garden of Casa Jakab Toffler, during the With Doors Open event, part of the City Celebration.
V. Leac

Poet and obscure researcher of the vanished territories of the present geography. He has published several volumes of poems in various publishers (Seymour: sonată pentru cornet de hârtie, 2005, 2006, 2013; Dicționar de vine, 2006, Lucian – un experiment, 2009; Toți sunt îngrijorați, 2010; Unchiul este încântat, 2013; M o n o i d e a l, 2018)
Coordinator of thematic poetry anthologies: Why cats don't have tails, 2017; Hotel Cosmos – SF Romanian poetry, 2019; The Golden Generation, 2020; Ongoing Disruptions An Anthology of the Present, 2021.
Founding member of the literary group Celebrul animal and of the Ca și Cum magazine. In 2012, together with Bianca Băilă, he founded MOI in Timișoara; co-author of events waiting has something in common with the high collar of the coat with which you go to the meeting and what you can see until you get there.
Participates in the Spaces in waiting platform - 2013 with the Sugar Factory Oven project. Curator of the event W.A.D. Arad, 2014; Co-author of the feature-length eco-horror film Bodrog, 2019. Author of several short films and video-poems.
"I've always wanted to write poems for two or three astronauts who are slightly distracted, in which life barely flickers; they sail like that, without a precise destination. I want you to imagine the smile of the astronaut sitting there, by the porthole, at a table; sipping a drink - what would it be like to drink? After reading you should have the impression that the poem rises (from the page) on tiptoe; kisses you on the cheek; then runs away; stops; turns around and laughs in your nose , like a clever child who you feel knows the secret of happiness."
Social Fabric is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is financed by the Grow Timișoara 2023 program, run by the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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