Social Fabric: Vlad Marko Tollea - Public Presentation

Vlad Marko Tollea is invited to the Jakab Toffler House for a journalistic-documentary residency within the Social Fabric project.

You will be able to meet Vlad, during an informal meeting on Saturday, October 7, from 7 p.m., in the garden of the Jakab Toffler House, during the Open Doors event, part of the City Celebration.

Vlad-Marko Tollea was born in Timisoara. He also lived in Bucharest, Cluj and somewhere in the not-so-wild-Danish west, but for short periods. Its headquarters was and is Timișoara. He grew up in a family where culture was valued. He recounts that when his mother, an educator, cleaned on Saturdays, she would put on vinyls of Tchaikovsky or History of Universal Music. About his father, who was a bootlegger at Cargo, he tells that he left him a pile of rock, pop, funk, disco or punk vinyls, which opened his appetite for music, but also gave him the impetus to put music in some circumstances at various house and techno parties around the country. Including on vinyl.

Starting in 2015, he had the opportunity to practice with Ioana Moldoveanu, editor-in-chief at that time for VICE Romania. He says that was the point at which he realized that the greatest power to draw attention to social issues (important from the perspective of personal values) was simply to turn on the tape recorder, to write, to trigger the camera to capture stories, and the rest is already history.

From 2016 he started to be paid for his work in the field, from dailies like Libertatea, starting in 2020, to rather unconventional cultural magazines like VICE, TLTXT, Trepanatsii, Scena9 or even limited edition fanzines (AER). He is also active in adjacent fields of work, such as public relations, coordination of press teams or creative writing for various festivals or cultural projects: Memoriile Cetății, Revolution Festival, CODRU Festival, ROD Caravan.

He published a text in the collective volume Underground TM, coordinated by the writer Cristi Vicol, volume, published by the Brumar publishing house in 2022. He wrote texts or materials that appeared on boards produced by ICR Warsaw, in gonzo almanacs or in investigations or journalistic interviews on subjects, perceived by some as more serious.
Social Fabric is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is financed by the Grow Timișoara 2023 program, run by the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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