Sunscape Festival aims to increase public awareness of the Sun and our solar system, the Milky Way in an artistic and accessible language, developing a sense of community and civic spirit.

The sun and environmental protection are the themes of Șevaletul Anei and Alexei Luca's murals at Giarmata which will run from September 5 through September 20, 2024.

On September 20, 2024, the public looking for new experiences is invited to explore the Sun through a telescope with a special filter at the Banat Village Museum in Timișoara.

On September 21, 2024, in Giarmata, the public is invited to experience the Sun through a telescope, painting, pottery, calligraphy workshops, first aid measures, supported by volunteers from the Timis Red Cross Society, along with lectures on the Sun and the solar system and light pollution.

From September 23 to October 1, 2024, astronomy enthusiasts are invited to attend sessions at the Planetarium and Experimenterium in Timișoara.

So, from September 5 to October 1, the public is invited to engage in a unique experience and let themselves be carried into a world of infinite joy.

Full schedule for the Sunscape Festival 2024:

September 20 | The Banat Village Museum, Timișoara:
- 11.00 : Plant mandalas workshop.
- 13.00 : Vernissage of Șevaletul Anei's Painting Circle and Solar Sculpture Exhibition.
- 14.00: Painting workshop, exploring the sun through a telescope and through movement, first aid demonstrations with the Timis Red Cross Society, handmade paper workshop, calligraphy workshop, pottery workshop, plant workshop, solar motif carving workshop.
- 17.00: Modern dance show, solar dance flashmob and demonstrations by Kangoo Jumps Kids.
- 20.00: Manuela Marchis & Fluidian concert and painting performance with Livia Mateias.

September 21 | Parcul Sportivilor, Giarmata:
- 14.00: Mural painting and vernissage.
- 15.00: Painting workshops, exploring the sun through a telescope and movement, first aid demonstrations with Timis Red Cross Society, handmade paper workshop, calligraphy workshop, pottery workshop.
- 16.00: Demonstrations by Kangoo Jumps Kids.
- 17.00: Lectures on the Sun and the solar system and light pollution.
- 21.00: "Eclipsis Solis" pyrotechnic show by Amor Flammis.

September 23 - October 1 | Planetarium & Experimentarium, Timisoara:
- A series of visiting sessions in the Planetarium and the Experimentarium at the The West University of Timisoara.

Sunscape Festival offers free access to its events, but you must complete a form depending on which activity you wish to participate in.

All event forms are available here:

Partners: Banat Village Museum, Giarmata City Hall, Giarmata High School, The Faculty of Physics from Timisoara, "Jáku Ronkov" Cultural Association from Dudești Vechi, "Pro Europa" Roma Party Association, ReMona Sport, Fundația Siguranța pentru Copii din România.
Media partners: Ediția de Timiș, DeBanat, România FM, Cultartes, Revista Golan, România Pozitivă, Bookhub, Contemporary-Establishment, Critic Arad, Romania FM, VestFlux.
Sponsors: Dradara Winery, Caparol
Artwork: Colibrix

The project is part of the national cultural program Timișoara 2023 European Capital of Culture and financed by the Timișoara.Next program, run by The Culture and Arts Centre of Timis County, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the Ministry of Culture.

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Sunscape Festival

Sunscape Festival