The other door. What's wrong, why not?

Wednesday, August 28, the contemporary dance performance The other door. What's wrong, why not?, produced by Moveo Dance Company (Malta), will happen in St. George's Square in Timișoara, from 19.30.

The performance tackles themes of gender identity and aims to challenge societal norms and explore alternative possibilities, exploring the idea that the body, stripped of its socially constructed layers, can reveal deeper, more authentic truths that go beyond what is 'acceptable'.

Throughout the performance, the body is seen as an evolving entity, constantly exposing new facets of identity. Stepping through the 'Other Door', the audience is invited to experiment with their own identity and embrace a space where they can truly be themselves.

  • Choreography: Dorian Mallia in collaboration with the dancers;

  • Dancers: Dorian Mallia , Diane Portelli, Charlotte Carpentier, Gabriele Farinacci;

  • Dramaturgy: Jacob Piccinino;

  • Rehearsal Directors: Pamela Kerr , Cindelle Bouard;

  • Music: La vie en rose, Lonely Dear - Ignorant boy beautiful girl, Olafur Arnalds- Reminiscence;

  • Music editing: Diane Portelli, Gabriele Farinacci;

  • Text: Diane Portelli;

  • Voices: Pamela Kerr/Diane Portelli;

  • Understudy: Irene Nocella;

Admission is free of charge.

Part of

Frames & Shapes 6th Edition

Frames & Shapes 6th Edition