Urban Mold: Underground Chronicles of Timisoara. Guided tours with Gavril Pop and Ioana Balint #2

Because we've spent enough time trying to learn more science, the only step forward we can take is to get out of the learning space and see that all the things we discussed before are happening all around us. We just need to pay close attention, open our eyes and look at everything up close. Everything is interconnected, between us and all life.

What is a city? How do cities emerge? How are these urban structures similar to other plant structures? The mycelium that we have been talking about in the workshops becomes the main actor in this story, as a model for the creation of communicating and symbiotic infrastructures, but also as a form of life that is everywhere and with which we have had to learn to cohabit.

Timișoara is a city built on marshes, crossed by a navigable canal, and has a long history linked to water, moisture, and mold. When the hydroelectric power plant was built in the city, over 100 years ago, much of the moisture problem in the basements of the Fabric and Iosefin neighborhoods was solved. Thus, like a group of little naturalists, we walk together with the students through the neighborhood, learning, observing, asking questions, and imagining what it would be like if we were some sort of water and mold engineers. We started our walk underground, in the basement of the Student House, where we saw what the underground networks of mushrooms look like and how molds can be beneficial or harmful, helping or affecting the production of medicines. Coming out from underground, we observed how moisture leaves its traces on the facades of the Twin Palaces and took a leap in time, discussing about peripheries, connections, and myths. The walk continued along the banks of the Bega River, we observed the water tower, contemplated the river both as a usable resource and as a way of relaxation, passed through the city's bridges, only to stop in a lesser-known place at the end, the Uszoda base.

The tours were accompanied by the Naturalist Notebook, illustrated by Lucian Barbu.

The guided tours are part of POD - Program of Observation and Discovery, a new project implemented by the Foc și Pară Association, Indecis artist run space, in partnership with Rudolf Walther Secondary School and Secondary Schools 1 and 4 in Timișoara.

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POD | Program of Observation and Discovery

POD | Program of Observation and Discovery